My Men

My Men

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Moving on

Hi Everyone! We decided to create a blog since we have enjoyed everyone else's so much. There are so many things in the past that I have wanted to put on a blog or to comment about. As most of you know we sold our house and we are in the middle of packing like crazy! We are hoping to be moving tomorrow. We will now be about an hour away from church! But right now we are just sitting and waiting for the Lord to reveal His will for our family. My Grandparents are allowing us to rent their beautiful home until we can find something closer to the church. Selling our home of 14 years is a little sad but we can't wait to see what the Lord will have for us now! Please pray for Elijah as he has been having continuos problems with swelling in his feet for two weeks and he is briusing very easy. They think it is something called HSP but we aren't positive yet. That's all for now.

1 comment:

  1. Oh what wonderful news about the house. We'll be praying for you! And we'll pray for Elijah. Well, I'm so excited that ya'll have a blog now :D I like having just one place to have to keep up with my friends on that doesn't compromise my standards and convictions!! Amen Amen. Hey look, I'm your first follower!! :D Love ya'll.

    Ms. Elsie
