My Men

My Men

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I just wanted to let you all know that Sunday we will have our first service in our new auditorium!!! YAY!! We are all so EXCITED!:) Last night Pastor said that we were going to have church in the new Auditorium whether we had
our occupancy permit or not because they said the inspector couldn't come for 2 months. Then this morning the inspector called and said he would be stopping by today. He came and walked in and walked out and said the inspection passed!!! AMEN! We are so excited and now we can really use the building. There is still alot to do in the old part of the church such as put in the commercial kitchen which was given to us for free. Build Pastor's new office and build more Sunday School classrooms. We will be having our dedication Saturday the 22nd of May!! I will have to post pictures of the new building later!! We are just a little church and God has really been working here. After our service last night we moved the piano in and there was just a buzz of joy through the building and it is really all starting to pull together. It has been amazing how God has just been supplying the funds for this project. Our church was given about $600,000.00 and only ended up with $145,000.00 after lawyer fees and all so that is what we built our church with even though we exceeded the amount given to us by a mere $100,000.00. We have built the church debt free even though we tried to get a loan for the pews but God didn't allow it and some one gave the money. What a blessing. It has been great for our kids to see and we are so excited that we were able to be a part of this project. It only took us a year to do this and we mostly only worked on Saturday after soul winning. I'm not even sure it has been a year yet. We have all got in on helping with some project on the new building even the little guys pulled nails and had their own tool belts. Our new auditorium isn't just a part of the church that we go in and look at and say pretty anymore but it is now a place to worship and glorify God and that is what we plan to do. Rejoicing over seeing souls saved. And now whenwe sing it won't sound like we are singing in a tunnel. I can't wait! We get to sing on Sunday! YAY! God is good! What a blessing!!!:)

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