Well, hello everyone! It is freezing here today with a chance of snow tomorrow! Burrr! It actually is in the fifties but it feels colder because it is wet and rainy. For us Michiganders in the snow belt fifty is nice!:) I guess we got spoiled. The funny thing is that a church up here always has their camp meeting in May with Jason Kendricks who is from their church. It is a very large campmeeting. With Sam Gipp, who we really like to hear and lots of other preachers. We usually get to go a couple of times. Anyway the meeting starts on the nineth and it is supposed to be really chilly. Maybe they should start having it in June!:)
Anyway, We had our first service in our new auditorium and it was really nice. I must say that I did get a headache from looking up at the platform. Ours was so low before that I am not used to tipping my head that way. It was a great service and we had alot of visitors that day. We had alot of singing specials. We sang the Unseen hand which our family sings pretty much every evening in devotions. Pastor and his family sang Thank you Lord and Send the Rain-I love this song it sends chills. Their family plays alot of instruments which is nice. Our Pastor used to be an Evangelist before the Lord put him into the Pastorate. Marty also grew up with our Pastor and when he was out of church for a few years when he was younger Marty went to visit him and he and his family started coming again. It seems like that has been so long ago.
Anyway back to the service. We had testimonies and Pastor preached of course. It was nice. It does seem different in the new auditorium kind of like why is our whole church visiting another church. Its hard to explain I guess. Even though things aren't perfect (like the drywall and the concrete) It is still sooooo beautiful. I am having a hard time adjusting to the new pews though, the backs are higher and I am not tall enough to rest my arms on the back of them.:)
We had our first missionary in on Wednesday night and that was nice. Chuck, my brother in law who is an missionary in Ukraine and my brother in law who is a missionary in Canada will be here presenting their ministries on the 22nd. We are very excited and are making plans for a Harwood Family reunion.That is all for now. I would post pictures but we just got a new camera and I am not sure how to use the thing yet. Maybe later.
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